What is Walking Therapy?
The Health benefits of walking, weight management, getting fresh air and reduction in stress, lower blood pressure, strengthening the heart and bones, overall improving mood and many other benefits.
Noel Copeland Counselling Psychotherapy is offering walking therapy. Having Studied “Recreation in the rural environment” ,along with Counselling and Psychology as an undergraduate , and after a successful trial, Noel is offering clients who wish to have outdoor Sessions as an alternative to the office environment .
“Walk talk” is a mindfulness technique, a body orientated therapy that can help you relax, stop ruminating, release physical tension, breathe deep and receive mind – body insight while processing, experiences in a different way… Walking enables some clients to feel at ease, when engaging in the therapy process.
How can it help me ?
Being outdoors can be a positive antidote to stress, and being in alternative environment, compared to an office. Some people feel an increased sense of ease to share their difficulties and concerns in the fresh air. Being in nature in pleasant surroundings can be therapeutic being in open space , enhancing a feeling of well – being in a natural setting can be calming .Walking is a positive , calming activity .
Whose is it for?
Are you someone who does not have an opportunity to be outside very often? Do you feel stuck in the office all day, or at home, particularly in wintertime? For some being outdoors may help address social anxieties, e.g. being in open spaces or being self-conscious about one’s appearance outside, which affecting self-esteem. This creates an opportunity to confront a difficulty , with immediate support , Walking therapy is for anyone who would prefer an alternative to therapy indoors .Walking therapy sessions take place all year round .
What about confidentiality, whilst engaging in walking therapy?
Walking therapy has some considerations relating to confidentiality, i.e. meeting person or persons a client or therapist may know. These are discussed prior to the outdoor therapy session taking place, also consideration is given to the timing and location, where and when your session takes place

Where does it take place?
Currently in the Redditch Area, elsewhere by arrangement. Walks generally take place on even flat surfaces in Parkland. The first introductory Consultation session usually takes place in the office, or if desired over video.
What do I need for a walking therapy Session?
Suitably Strong footwear and suitable weatherproof clothing.
You will also need to sign a disclaimer.
How long do Sessions last?
Up to one hour.
What are the fees?
These are the same as for sessions held indoors.
What happens to my session if the weather is unsuitable for walking?
If desired your arranged session can take place in the office, alternatively it can postponed to another date.
How do I contact you for walking therapy?
Either call 07733 203905 or use the contact form on the website.