About Me

I am a Senior Accredited member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society. My membership number is NCS 23-00172 .
I am also a member of the Atsaac (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity) organisation, which comprises of therapists who treat Sexual Addiction.
Based in Redditch I see Clients from all over the Midlands and beyond in person at the Greenlands Business Centre, also on line via video.
My qualifications include:
- Applied Emotional Freedom Technique Level 2 ( Practitioner )
- Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling
- Relate Couple Counselling Certificate
- Certificate in Supervision
- Certificate in Supervision Skills
- Certificate in Supporting People after Traumatic incidents
- Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Sexology….. This means I offer Counselling & Psychotherapy with a Sexual focus.
- Professional Certificate in Sex Addiction – this means I have had professional training in working with Sex Addiction.
- I have also trained in Skills using Cognitive Behavioural therapy, Solution focused therapy and Humanistic therapy
- On going Professional Development – This includes regular attendance at Training Courses and Conferences concerning , Counselling/Psychotherapy, Psychology, and Clinical Supervision .
I offer Counselling and Psychotherapy to individuals and Couples on a Privately arranged basis or if requested on behalf of a Sponsoring Organisation
My Interest in counselling and psychotherapy developed as an undergraduate when I studied Psychology and Social Sciences. Prior to this I had involvement in Youth and Community work in Northern Ireland and the U.S.A. I have over 20 years experience as a therapist in a range of settings. These include a G.P. Practice where I established a Counselling service, and I have worked with Relate as a Couples Counsellor. I have offered Staff Counselling for an Acute N.H.S. Trust, also for employees at an N.H.S. Mental Health Service . I have also offered Counselling and Psychotherapy within an N. H. S. Sexual Health Service setting. My experience includes Counselling in Further Education Colleges where I have developed Counselling Services for students. I have also established a Counselling Scheme for a Carers Project.
I offer Counselling to Local Government Employees, Staff in Schools and Academies, Human Resource Departments, and on behalf of Occupational Health Departments. My background includes working with the” Victim Support” organisation, assisting clients overcome the effects of crime. I was involved in the Management Committee and in training volunteer visitors, with a Victim Support Scheme. I have also offered Counselling Services to Police officers and Police Civilian staff. I have conducted Trauma support sessions with individuals and groups after traumatic incidents for organisations.
As a Couples Counsellor, I assist Couples and individuals with relationship and sexual difficulties. I am registered with a number of Employee Assistance Programmes (counselling schemes managed by agencies on behalf of employers ) I offer clinical supervision to experienced and trainee Student Therapists, along with consultative Psychological Support to Professionals in Stressful occupations, for example Public Emergency Services, N.H.S. Staff, Social Services and those involved with the welfare of others.
I have published in the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy Journal, “Sexual and Relationship Therapy” Vol 17 No. 4 Nov 2002. Also the Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal May 2002 (Now known as “Therapy Today”)